25-26 FCHS STEM Academy Application
The FCHS STEM Academy is focused on making connections between rigorous academic core and innovative career-technical course offerings to engage students in relevant, real-world studies.

Before enrolling in the STEM Academy, a student should carefully plan his/her academic and extracurricular schedule for the following year to accommodate the demands of the rigorous coursework.

Once admitted to the STEM courses, a student is expected to remain in the class for the duration of the course. Annual STEM Competitions are a requirement of the STEM Academy.

STEM includes Advanced Placement classes that require a tremendous outside commitment of time and energy, and the level of the material is on a level appropriate for college freshmen. Course descriptions and course requirements are outlined on the College Board website.

By submitting this application for the STEM Academy I understand that all statements of support are confidential and all rights to access the statements are waived by both the student and parents.

Two teacher evaluations are required from the applicants current Science and Math teacher. Please ask your current science and math teacher to find the link on the FCHS STEM Webpage or provide them the following link. https://www.forsyth.k12.ga.us/Page/51770

Please note this is a competitive application process, much like a college admission application. It is HIGHLY recommended that you review all questions before answering. A copy of all answers should be kept in case any changes are needed to be made before the deadline. No changes will be made after the deadline If you have any questions about this application please contact Marla Hatfield or Jonathan Schreier.

Student Information:
Preferred Name:
Date of Birth:
Student ID:
Preferred Email:  (not school email address)
Preferred Phone No:
Home Address:
Parent/Guardian Information:
Email Address:
Cell Phone:
School Information:
Currently enrolled at:
High School districted to attend:
8th Grade Math Information:
Math Course:
Math Teacher:
Math Grade:              
8th Grade Science Information:
Science Course:
Science Teacher:
Science Grade:              
ELA Course: Social Studies Course:
ELA Teacher: Social Studie Teacher:
ELA Grade: Social Studies Grade:
STEM Pathway Preference:
Computer Science
What extracurricular activities do you plan on participating in next year at FCHS:
Intellectual Promise:
Academic Achievement:
Quality of Writing (not neatness):
Creative Thoughts:
Productive Discussions:
Faculty Respect:
Disciplined Habits:
Reaction to Setback:
Concern for Others:
Self Confidence:
Overal Evaluation:
Short Answer Section:
(some of these questions require a written response. Please keep your responses clear and concise.)
Briefly describe two interesting things about yourself: 
Describe a favorite learning experience of yours and the impact it has had on you. This question is not necessarily related to grades or school:
We want to learn a little more about you. Please ask your 8th grade Science and Math teachers to fill out the recommendation form that will be sent to him/her after you submit your application. Please enter the teacher's information below:
Name:   Email:
Name:   Email:
Student Video or Essay:
Please complete either a video or essay using one of the prompts listed in step 3, of the Video/Essay Instructions from the link below:
video/essay instructions
VIDEO OPTION: Please copy your YouTube link here. Make sure the privacy setting on your video is “Unlisted.” This is a crucial for safety reasons. If you elect to do the essay instead, please proceed to the next section and type "No Video" in the box below.
ESSAY OPTION: The video option is preferred; however, if you choose not to do the video, complete the application by composing an essay using the one of the prompts listed in the link above. Please complete the essay in the text box below.
Application Certification:
- I authorize Forsyth County Schools to release information related to my child’s academic and attendance records to the STEM Academy Coordinator, and I agree that Forsyth County Schools and its agents will be absolved of any responsibility in connection with such a release.
- I certify that the facts contained in this application are true and complete to the best of my knowledge and understand that, if selected for this program, falsified statements may be grounds for removal. I authorize investigation of all statements contained herein, the references listed in this application, and release all parties from liability for any damage that may result from furnishing the same to the STEM Academy Coordinator.
- If I am accepted into the STEM Academy, I will:
- commit to participate for the entire school year.
- take advantage of every opportunity to improve my knowledge, skills and efficiency in the classroom.

 to all of the above. Type Student Full Name:
  Type Parent/Guardian Full Name:
Send Validation Code:         Select Provider: 
NOTE: If you do not receive a text, please check your email for the verification code.
Validation Code: