Central Film Academy Application for Incoming 9th Graders
If you have any questions about this application please contact Kevin Whitley or Jonathan Schreier.
Student Information:
Preferred Name:
Date of Birth:
Student ID:
Preferred Email:  (not school email address)
Preferred Phone No:
Home Address:
Parent/Guardian Information:
Email Address:
Cell Phone:
School Information:
Currently enrolled at:
Work habits will be a key component to a student’s success. Please choose the statement that best describes you.
Always completes homework/class work on time with a 94 or better average. Completes homework accurately all the time. Work is always complete, neat and on time. Always willing to ask questions when needed.
Consistently completes homework/class work on time with an 85-94 average. Completes homework accurately most of the time. Always willing to ask questions when needed.
Usually completes homework/class work on time with an 80-84 average. Sometimes willing to ask questions when needed.
Sometimes completes homework/class work on time with a lower than 80 average. Never willing to ask questions when needed.
Organization habits will be a key component to a student’s success. Please choose the statement that best describes you.
Always keeps a notebook where notes, homework and returned assignments are kept in an orderly manner. Can always put their finger on any assignment you request.
Is somewhat able to keep a notebook where notes, homework and returned assignments are kept in an orderly manner. Can usually find everything with a few exceptions.
Isn’t really able to keep a notebook where notes, homework and returned assignments are kept in an orderly manner, but is sometimes able to find work. Is likely to use textbook as storage.
Does not keep track of notes, homework and returned assignments. Frequently is unable to find work.
Short Answer Section:
(some of these questions require a written response. Please keep your responses clear and concise.)
Briefly describe two interesting things about yourself.
Scenario: You are asked to create a film. Before you get out a camera and hit the record button, what do you do to plan it out?
Please describe the greatest "life lesson" learning moment you have personally experienced.
All of our applicants are intelligent, distinguished in performance, highly motivated, creative, adaptable and curious. Choose 5 different adjectives to illustrate why you are more suited to the Central Film Academy at Forsyth Central, when compared to the hundreds of other applicants.
We want to learn a little more about you. Please ask a teacher who knows you well to fill out the recommendation form that will be sent to him/her after you submite your application. Please enter the teacher's information below:
Name:   Email:
Other Required Information:
Video Essay Option Link: Please copy your YouTube link here. Make sure the privacy setting on your video is “Unlisted.” This is a crucial to the accurate judging of your video and for safety reasons. Video Essay Prompt: Chose one of the following

1) Film an interview with your favorite teacher about why they decided to get into teaching and what their favorite part of it is.

2) Film an original commercial for your favorite candy or soft drink.

3) Film a conversation between two of your friends as they review a movie they recently saw.

4) An original script for a short you wrote and can film on your own.

Requirements for your video essay/short: No editing software, only the video device. It should last from 1 - 3 minutes. Please do not go any longer. All content must be original. You may appear in front of the camera to speak or you may remain behind the camera to film. Your finished video should be uploaded to Youtube so you can copy and paste your share link below.
Application Certification:
- I authorize Forsyth County Schools to release information related to my child’s academic and attendance records to the Central Film Academy Coordinator, and I agree that Forsyth County Schools and its agents will be absolved of any responsibility in connection with such a release.
- I certify that the facts contained in this application are true and complete to the best of my knowledge and understand that, if selected for this program, falsified statements may be grounds for removal. I authorize investigation of all statements contained herein, the references listed in this application, and release all parties from liability for any damage that may result from furnishing the same to the Central Film Academy Coordinator.
- If I am accepted into the Central Film Academy, I will:
- commit to participate for the entire school year.
- take advantage of every opportunity to improve my knowledge, skills and efficiency in the classroom.

 to all of the above. Type Student Full Name:
Type Parent/Guardian Full Name: