Application Due: January 30, 2025
If you have any questions about Internship Forsyth prior to completing this application, contact one of the specialists below:
Alliance Academy for Innovation (Dianne King) Lambert High School (Susan Fagan)
Denmark High School (Hailey Brock) North Forsyth High School (Shayla Brawner)
East Forsyth High School (Kim Clapper) South Forsyth High School (Nancy Ruff)
Forsyth Central High School (Lauren Westbrook) West Forsyth High School (Marelle Bowers)
Student Information:
Preferred Name:
Student ID:
Personal Email:  (not school email address)
Personal Cell:
(This section will be auto-filled using the entered Student ID from above)
Date of Birth:
Home Address:
School Information:
I am currently enrolled at:
I will be enrolled next year at:
Next year I will be a:
I understand I must be age 16 by September 1st to participate. I will be age 16 on or before September 1st.
I am applying for the 25-26  IF program as a:
Although I understand my school schedule will ultimately determine the number of periods, I request to participate in the following number of total periods:
If possible, I would like my periods scheduled at the:
My Dual Enrollment (DE) plans for next year:
If selected, I request to drop the following elective(s) that I originally requested to take next year:
  First Drop Choice:
  Second Drop Choice:
  Third Drop Choice:
Parent/Guardian Information:
(This section will be auto-filled using the entered Student ID from the Student section above)
Email Address:
Cell Phone:
Work Phone:
Pathway/Career Information:
My Career Interest/Goal is: 
Explain why you are interested in this particular career field. Describe how your career objectives, previous work/volunteer experience, and special skills would benefit an employer/business in this field. Also, describe any barriers you may feel you have to reaching your career goal.
I am currently enrolled or have completed courses in the following pathway(s): 

I am currently a member of the following CTSO(s): 

Placement Information:
Self-placements are helpful and often approved first.
Are you currently working/volunteering and would like to use your current position as your placement?
Are you already in contact with a local business or on-campus business (ex. Catering in Culinary Arts) about a position in your pathway?
Additional Information:  
I will have reliable transportation and can travel to my work location(s):
I will be free from additional responsibilities/obligations outside normal school hours that could interfere with an internship at the time/periods I have selected. (ex. sports, school or community activies, dual-enrollment, part-time job, family/childcare)
I currently have no more than 5 absences and/or tardies for the year.
Other Required Information:
Applicants must list two teacher/school references who can complete a recommendation form on your behalf. One reference must be your pathway teacher. You will be receiving a separate e-mail with a link to submit reference names. The e-mail title will read "Do Not Reply".You will need to have ready teacher names and email addresses to enter.
Application Certification:
- I qualify for application to Internship Forsyth based on admission requirements.
- I understand that prospective employers may require drug screening procedures and up to date vaccinations. In such cases, this procedure becomes a condition of participation/employment. I recognize and understand that failure to comply with required substance screenings or a positive test result on an illegal substance screening may result in a loss of work site and/or removal from the program.
- I certify that the facts contained in this application are true and complete to the best of my knowledge and understand that, if selected for this program, falsified statements may be grounds for removal. I authorize investigation of all statements contained herein, the references listed in this application, all information concerning previous employers, and release all parties from liability for any damage that may result from furnishing the same to the Career Development Coordinator.
- If I am accepted into Internship Forsyth, I will:
- commit to participate for the entire school year.
- take advantage of every opportunity to improve my knowledge, skills and efficiency in the classroom and my placement.

 to all of the above. Type Student Full Name:
  Type Parent/Guardian Full Name:
Send Validation Code:  
      Select Provider: 
NOTE: If you do not receive a text, please check your email for the validation code.
If you have any issues with this form, please email:
Validation Code: 
Once you submit the application, you will receive an email asking for teacher reference information. Your application will not be processed until references are received.

Other Required Information:

Applicants must list two current teacher references - High School teachers ONLY - to complete a recommendation form on their behalf. One reference must be a pathway teacher. You will be receiving a separate e-mail with a link to submit reference names. The e-mail title will read "Do Not Reply". You will need teacher names and email addresses to enter. Teacher e-mail addresses must end with *No parent or family members will be accepted for references