Fill out the following form and submit: (All fields are required)

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Student First Name: Student ID:
Student Last Name:  
School for 23-24: Grade:
Student Email:
Parent Name: Home Phone:
Parent Email:  

1) I am applying to take an online course to start in: 
2) Are you requesting to be a full-time or part-time online student?   
3) Are you part of the gifted program?    
4) Which academic department will you be taking a course from at GAVS?  
     How will this course be paid?  
I have confirmed with my counselor that the course will count toward graduation requirements as intended.    
I understand that for all school pay courses the grade will be posted to my transcript and cannot be removed. Students have the option to post student/parent pay courses to their transcript. Once the course grade is submitted to be posted it cannot be removed.
GAVS withdrawal request will be honored only when a request is made within the first 10 school days of the course start date.
In order to ensure accurate information about eligiblity and requirements for high school sports and NCAA with regard to Georgia Virtual classes, it is highly recommended that the student and parent be in close contact with Georgia Virtual School, the NCAA, and the school's athletic director.

Type Name: